...about updating my blog!
You would think that life would slow down during the summer and the hockey offseason. I don't know how I juggle it all during hockey season. I've about decided that it's because I get lazy during the off season and as such don't get as much accomplished.
We spend last weekend at the ocean and visited Westport for Pirate Days. We did a little geocaching, beachcombing and kite flying. I took some new photos of Washaway Beach . We took a family photo at Grayland Beach on a giant stump that washed up onto the shore and had fun just hanging out with our friends. It turned out to be a great weekend weather wise and this coming holiday weekend is supposed to be another great weekend. Weather should be in the high 70's/low 80's which will be perfect for camping and enjoying fireworks.
Since my last posting we have acquired a 5 month old, female German Shepard. We named her Hemi and she is cute as can be. I had my doubts about a "big" dog but she has actually done very well adapting. No fights between the dogs/cats and no "accidents" in the house. Which is pretty impressive considering she was a "farm dog" the first 5 months of her life. The upside 0f her becoming part of our family is that I no longer have backyard "poop patrol". After 17 years of being the main member of that patrol (the guys mulch it with the mower instead of picking it up) I was tired of doing it. So they agreed and we picked her up two days later. I will admit that she must of known that I was the one she had to butter up to when we went to see her the first time. She pretty much ignored everyone else except me that afternoon.
The kids are getting ready to gear up for hockey season. We traditionally take the month of May off and then in June they start Skills&Drills and add some Drop-in sessions in July so that by August they are ready and in shape. This year they both decided to take May and June off from hockey. They are excited because for the first time in four years they are looking forward to having the same coach as last year.
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