Author: MiniBullyMom aka Laura B. // Category:
Washington Coast

Several times a year we escape to the ocean. Our favorite place to go is to the "South Beach"which is what they call the coast between Grays Harbor and Willapa Bay. One of the most famous sections of beach there is called "
Washaway Beach". Every year a huge sections fall prey to the ocean forces. A couple of weeks ago a huge storm aka a "
Pineapple Express" came through at the same time that there were some of the highest tides of the season. We were blown away with some of the changes to the area. "Evening Magazine" filmed a segment about the beach in 2004 which you can see
here. One of the biggest changes we noticed this month was not at Washaway but just before it. The southern most "Beach Access Road" was closed because the end of the road was washed out and it was a good 6 foot drop from the old road to the beach itself. The northern most access road (by Twin Harbors State Park) to the beach was closed last year. This now leaves 3 of the 5 permanent access roads open which should make things rather interesting come Razor Clam season.
The weather couldn't have been better considering it is the middle of January. NO RAIN at all this trip. We spent most of Saturday in
Westport, Westhaven State Park and
hanging out on the South Jetty watching the surfers. It was sunny and mild (high 40's on Friday and Saturday) but when it's clear skies that means it gets cold at night. It frosted both nights but Sunday was actually warm and in the high 50's. Thank goodness we have a warm and toasty camper to sleep in. After 12 years of tent camping we most definitely appreciate the fact that there are no more midnight runs to the nearest bathroom in the rain.
Alex had fun this weekend because Mike let him practice driving out on the beach. This now means that we can pretty much count on the fact that on June 18th he will be dragging us to the DMV for his permit so he can legally drive (as long as we are with him) to his hearts content.